Hurray for a new look!
I took the picture on top this winter. It's from atop the train tracks by the Forton Street Bridge in Stoughton. I'm thinking that I'll change it once the seasons change, but keep taking it from the same spot.
So I'll be taking the trip back home in another two weeks, and I can't wait. Even though this year has gone by so fast, I'm really surprised that I made it this far. For all the fun I've had, and all the things I've learned, right now I really just want to be home and be with my family. That sounded a lot more melodramatic and whiney than I tried to make it sound. Oh well.
PS - highlight of my week: making super awesome 7 layer bars! Here's some more pictures:
So what exactly are the seven layers of those bars made up of because they look interesting. I'm sure they're delicious though.
Do you actually get the money from those ads because I definitely clicked them lots?
7 layer bars, class III lasers, ... how about some topics a little more meaty. Here's something that Tim and I have been batting around:
As Christians wanting to share Jesus with the world, what church doctrine is critical for other cultures adopt? i.e., the virgin birth. And what practices might be unacceptable for that culture to retain? i.e., witch doctors, polygomy, homosexuality, belief in evolution, ...?
Any thoughts?
- Jay
... basically, what is the essence of Christianity?
Can other cultures develop their own Christian doctrine built from within their own cultural frame of reference, instead of the Western or American cultural frame of reference? If "yes", then what does that say about the absolute value of the doctrines from Calvin, Luther, Augustine and other Western theologians?
by the way, I didn't mean to diss the 7 layer bars or the photo. Sorry if it sounded that way.
And sorry I missed you on Skype tonight. I was on the phone with my Mom and Dad.
Jay, if you check up on this, I think your questions are interesting- they're something I've been thinking a lot about myself.
If we are all called to be children of God, does that mean that it all has to happen the exact same way, or are differences allowed (like you asked, can Christianity be found within our own unique cultures?)
Caleb, if you get some time to process these thoughts (haha) further, I think it would be a good conversation starter.
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