

Hurray for a new look!

I took the picture on top this winter. It's from atop the train tracks by the Forton Street Bridge in Stoughton. I'm thinking that I'll change it once the seasons change, but keep taking it from the same spot.

So I'll be taking the trip back home in another two weeks, and I can't wait. Even though this year has gone by so fast, I'm really surprised that I made it this far. For all the fun I've had, and all the things I've learned, right now I really just want to be home and be with my family. That sounded a lot more melodramatic and whiney than I tried to make it sound. Oh well.

PS - highlight of my week: making super awesome 7 layer bars! Here's some more pictures:

This picture was taken by shining a Class 3A laser into the lens of my camera.


Burrito Goodness

Shalom, friends.

Just wanted to say: finals suck and Qdoba is a great way to take my mind off of them.

Doesn't that look delicious? Yum.



Shalom, friends.

I feel like I'm standing on the verge of another great change in my life.

I feel like it's on the tip of my tongue, and I can't quite say anything.

I feel like all the deadwood, all the chaff, all the rubbish and rubble in my life that's keeping me from changing is being cleared and burnt away.

and i'm impatient

I feel -

I feel like I'm on fire.